The importance and challenges of an institution specialized in the care of people with special needs: The case of APAE de Pedro II-PI


  • Mylene Keyla da Silva
  • Cíntia Carreiro Tavares
  • Sabrina Oliveira Castro
  • Camila Rayane Oliveira Santos
  • Ana Dávila Soares Gomes
  • Thiago Fernando Sousa Mocellin
  • Lidiane L. Barbosa Amorim


Inclusion Paradigm, 20th Century


From this period on, reflecting on a school with an education flexible enough to encompass all students and their different needs became the object of discussion and analysis by several researchers and, consequently, was incorporated into the educational public policies of most democratic nations (SILVA et al., 2019).





How to Cite

Silva, M. K. da, Tavares, C. C., Castro, S. O., Santos, C. R. O., Gomes, A. D. S., Mocellin, T. F. S., & Amorim, L. L. B. (2023). The importance and challenges of an institution specialized in the care of people with special needs: The case of APAE de Pedro II-PI. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from