The primary maternal concern in autism


  • Cleuber Cristiano de Sousa


Psychoanalysis, Winnicott, Primary maternal concern, Autism


Introduction: The studies on the primary maternal concern of Donald Woods Winnicott are related to the capacity of the mother in the act of dispensing mindfulness and care to the baby so that there is no terror, agony, and helplessness. Objectives: The objective of this study is to understand the situation of helplessness of the mother in the face of invasion and failure in the environment and at what moment this vulnerable situation begins. Methodology: the method in psychoanalysis corresponds essentially to three articulated elements that urges a psychoanalytic psychopathology remaining from the accurate and sophisticated look of the Freudian clinic with the hysterical and, consequently, its investigation of the production of hysterical symptoms: experience, investigation, and interpretation. Results: The case study of the mother A.S. demonstrated that after a rupture, a transgression, an invasion, agony, and terror set in and the possible identifications would be emptied of symbolic and imaginary contents mentally striving to remember, repeat and elaborate, without success. Conclusion: This work focused on the considerations launched from the studies of Donald Woods Winnicott on the primary maternal concern and the identifications, social ties and the constitution of the subject in autism. The case study presented in this work is about the A.S., a mother of a three-year-old boy and her personal history constructed since pregnancy in a universe of relations between the symbolic and the imaginary so that the subject can be constituted in the field of the other.





Como Citar

Sousa, C. C. de. (2023). The primary maternal concern in autism. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado de