Actions and challenges of nursing professionals in primary care: A literature review


  • Michelle Carneiro Fonseca
  • Marcos Aurélio Fonseca Medeiros
  • Adriano Menino de Macêdo Júnior
  • Karla Krisna Freitas de Aquino Serafim
  • Sidney Rafael Gomes de Oliveira
  • Maria de Lourdes Pontes Neta
  • Gabriela Teixeira do Nascimento Freitas
  • Katiuscia Kelly Medeiros de Araújo
  • Mariana Furtado Barros de Souza
  • Aline Aguiar da Silva
  • Danielle Chacon dos Santos Braz
  • Heloísa Cristina Ferreira de Lima


Actions, Challenges, Nursing


Primary Care (PC) is characterized by a set of health actions, in the individual and collective scope, which includes the promotion and protection of health, the prevention of diseases, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and maintenance of health. Being the preferred contact of users with health systems. It is guided by the principles of universality, accessibility and coordination of care, bond and continuity, integrality, accountability, humanization, equity, and social participation (BRASIL, 2006).






Como Citar

Fonseca, M. C., Medeiros, M. A. F., Júnior, A. M. de M., Serafim, K. K. F. de A., Oliveira, S. R. G. de, Neta, M. de L. P., Freitas, G. T. do N., Araújo, K. K. M. de, Souza, M. F. B. de, Silva, A. A. da, Braz, D. C. dos S., & Lima, H. C. F. de. (2023). Actions and challenges of nursing professionals in primary care: A literature review. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado de