Non-pharmacological methods of pain control during labor: A literature review


  • Michelle Carneiro Fonseca
  • Marcos Aurélio Fonseca Medeiros
  • Adriano Menino de Macêdo Júnior
  • Maria Aparecida Ferreira Duarte Araújo
  • Carmem Cristina Torquato Nunes
  • Priscilla Pereira de Menezes
  • Roxana Aniccelli Monteiro Pessoa
  • Rita de Cássia Araujo Costa
  • Fernanda Karla Santos da Silva Dantas
  • Gladys Nunes Vieira
  • Thiziane Mérin Feitosa Chaves


Non-pharmacological Methods, Pain, Labor


Childbirth is an event that has undergone changes over decades. Studies reveal that from the twentieth century, childbirth began to be performed in a hospital environment. In 1922, the professional nurse began to appropriate knowledge about the process of parturition and in 1988 the nurse midwife inserted in childbirth care in an attempt to reduce the rates of perinatal death (SOUZA et al., 2015).






Como Citar

Fonseca, M. C., Medeiros, M. A. F., Júnior, A. M. de M., Araújo, M. A. F. D., Nunes, C. C. T., Menezes, P. P. de, Pessoa, R. A. M., Costa, R. de C. A., Dantas, F. K. S. da S., Vieira, G. N., & Chaves, T. M. F. (2023). Non-pharmacological methods of pain control during labor: A literature review. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado de