The relationship between the execution of an electrical project and energy efficiency through a quality installation and the operation of its equipment and apparatus


  • Fellipe Raphael Silva
  • Fernando Farias da Silva
  • José Geraldo de Moura
  • Lívia Vitória de Araújo
  • Lucas Feliciano Ferreira Borba
  • Rodrigo Faustino da Silva
  • Stefany Beatriz Lopes da Silva


Electrical Project, Energy


Energy efficiency is an activity that seeks to improve the use of energy sources. The rational use of energy, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, consists of using energy efficiently to achieve a certain result. By definition, energy efficiency consists of the relationship between the amount of energy used in an activity and that made available to carry it out.






Como Citar

Silva, F. R., Silva, F. F. da, Moura, J. G. de, Araújo, L. V. de, Borba, L. F. F., Silva, R. F. da, & Silva, S. B. L. da. (2023). The relationship between the execution of an electrical project and energy efficiency through a quality installation and the operation of its equipment and apparatus. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado de