Synergy between music therapy and environmental education: A systematic approach
Music Therapy, Environmental EducationResumo
Environmental Education emerged with the aim of breaking with conservative and totalitarian views, and has faced debates to overcome traditional education (ARAÚJO et al., 2020). In this critical perspective, Environmental Education seeks to review the foundations that promote the domination of the human being and the accumulation of capital, seeking to politically confront inequalities and socio-environmental injustice (ARAÚJO et al., 2020). Music therapy employs music and its elements as a tool for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of physical, psychological and mental issues (DOS SANTOS et al., 2013). From a scientific perspective, music therapy is explained as a strand of science that seeks to understand the relationship between the human being and sound, in addition to the therapeutic elements intrinsic to it (BENENZON, 1988).