Signification and resignification of kaingang indigenous art in contemporaneity: cultural resistance and survival
indigenous art, cultural resistance and survival, resignificationResumo
The present research has as its theme the Kaingang indigenous handicrafts in contemporary times, evidencing how the meaning and resignification of cultural elements occurs in processes involving trade for income generation and survival. The work presents a brief history of the Kaingang indigenous cultural universe with a focus on handicrafts, in order to understand its original context of production, including the materials commonly used, as well as the representation of symbolic elements. It records the perception of an indigenous Kaingang in the process of signification and resignification of the symbolic elements that make up the handicrafts sold in the streets of Chapecó and region, in the state of Santa Catarina, and, in this sense, exposes the apprehensions of a non-indigenous visual artist about the relations between art and indigenous crafts in processes of cultural resignification.