Mandibular exercises with hyperboloid decrease pain in individuals with temporomandibular dysfunction: randomized, blinded clinical trial


  • Cintia Moraes Gutierrez
  • Fernanda Cardoso Nakamoto
  • Leticia Neves Mode
  • Margarete Nobilo
  • Lais Silva Ferreira
  • Taisi Antunes da Cunha
  • Alcylene Carla dos Santos
  • Daniela Aparecida Biasotto-Gonzalez


Mandibular exercises, hyperboloid, temporomandibular dysfunction


Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is characterized by a set of clinical alterations, which may present articular, muscular or mixed components1. The most common and limiting clinical manifestation is orofacial pain. Exercise has been proposed as a tool in the treatment of TMD, being effective in reducing pain1,2. The Hyperboloid is a proprioceptive device, created and developed to assist in the treatment of conditions involving the stomatognathic system2. This myofunctional device is widely used for the treatment of patients with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), however the literature is still scarce regarding its use2, 3. Thus, this pilot study aimed to evaluate and compare the effects and clinical difference of proprioceptive treatment with hyperboloid associated with tongue-on-palate exercise versus proprioceptive treatment with hyperboloid on pain intensity in individuals with TMD.





Como Citar

Gutierrez, C. M., Nakamoto, F. C., Mode, L. N., Nobilo, M., Ferreira, L. S., da Cunha, T. A., dos Santos, A. C., & Biasotto-Gonzalez, D. A. (2023). Mandibular exercises with hyperboloid decrease pain in individuals with temporomandibular dysfunction: randomized, blinded clinical trial. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado de