Sleep deprivation in the puerperal period: Experience report
Postpartum period, Sleep deprivation, Sleep.Resumo
Introduction: Sleep is characterized as a biological rhythm, endogenously generated and controlled by a neural structure located in the hypothalamus, regulated by homeostatic S and circadian C processes. Sleep has an important role for cognitive functioning, skills such as memory, reasoning, psychomotor vigilance and visual perception. The deprivation of this active event of such necessity for the organism causes all systems to be altered and leads to a decline in cognitive functions, with worsening quality of life and productivity. Objective: To discuss the experience lived by the health professional about sleep deprivation in the puerperal period and its impacts on the mother's life as a human being. Methodology: This is an experience report lived by a Nurse from the city, from December 11, 2022 to January 26, 2023 with women living in the city of Januária - MG, using the conversation wheel, sharing experiences and research on social networks. Results: Through the evaluation made, it is possible to identify that sleep interferes with the quality of life of these women. Bringing with it, an exacerbation of anxiety, feelings of anger, depression, suffering, emotional reactivity, fatigue, extreme tiredness, besides the guilt for not being productive as in the period before pregnancy. Conclusion: With this, it is possible to verify that sleep deprivation in the puerperal period is treated as something common, and many women in this period of regulation of pregnancy hormones wear out to the point of collapse. And it is up to the public authorities, together with the support network, community and health services to offer means of support so that they are treated as the situation requires. This experience adds great value for patients and health professionals, as the puerperal woman is treated in a holistic, empathetic and humanized way.