The teachers or us, the teachers? A reflection on the assumption of teaching practice


  • Evanildo Moraes Estumano
  • Erika Camila Correa dos Santos


Teaching knowledge


In this research, teaching practice is analyzed from a perspective of social action as a significant experience. The objective is to describe the teaching practice from the perception of teachers about the way they act in educational processes. The research was conducted between the years 2018-2020, through fieldwork grounded in the assumptions of qualitative research. The study collected data using interviews with female Basic Education teachers who work in Elementary Education from 1st to 9th grade. The results showed that the teachers have an instrumental conception of the teaching profession. The diversification and intensity of activities inside the school promote an interaction between pedagogical objectives and educational actions that escape the professionals' perception. There is, therefore, a distance of understanding between the context of the practices and the set of experiences that, in part, result from it.


DOI: 10.56238/sevenIIImulti2023-032




Como Citar

Moraes Estumano, E., & Camila Correa dos Santos, E. (2023). The teachers or us, the teachers? A reflection on the assumption of teaching practice. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado de