The use of semaglutide for weight loss: a literature review


  • Gisele Karlec Jacobs
  • Laís Cristine Zanella Capponi
  • Maria Eduarda Kindel
  • Gabriel Diehl De Britto
  • Thiago Malaquias Fritzen


Obesity is one of the most relevant diseases in the current world scenario, in view of the proportion it has gained in recent decades and the consequent clinical repercussions and complications caused. In this sense, it is characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat at a level that compromises the health of the subject, causing losses that may involve metabolic changes, locomotor difficulties and potential risk factors for diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus and some types of cancer (SABBÁ et al., 2022).


DOI: 10.56238/homeIIsevenhealth-004



Como Citar

Karlec Jacobs, G., Cristine Zanella Capponi, L., Eduarda Kindel, M., Diehl De Britto, G., & Malaquias Fritzen, T. (2023). The use of semaglutide for weight loss: a literature review. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado de