Affection and its manifestations: The impact of Covid19 on the mental health of brazilians


  • Carolina Ferraz Santos Sampaio
  • Edilson Dantas Lima Júnior
  • Nirvana Ferraz Santos Sampaio

Palabras clave:

Affect, Anxiety, Melancholy, Grief, Pandemic


The aim of this chapter is to present a discussion about the vicissitudes of affection in the face of the coronavirus pandemic experienced by Brazilians. Therefore, we resorted to Psychoanalysis, based on Freudian texts and concepts, to analyze statements taken from newspapers and magazines of national circulation, published in 2020. We consider that the drive energy demarcates processes that occur between the psychic and the somatic.





Cómo citar

Sampaio, C. F. S., Lima Júnior, E. D., & Sampaio, N. F. S. (2023). Affection and its manifestations: The impact of Covid19 on the mental health of brazilians. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de