Communication as an essential tool in humanized care in the intensive care unit


  • Petrúcya Frazão Lira
  • Alexandra Vieira Pereira
  • Luana Almeida Fernandes
  • Karla Gabriella Oliveira Peixoto de Sousa
  • Ana Paula Agostinho Alencar
  • Crystianne Samara Barbosa Araújo

Palabras clave:

Communication, Humanization, Icu, Nursing


The Intensive Care Unit (ICU), as the name suggests, is a department where activities are more intense and complex. The first ICU in the world emerged in the 1950s due to the need to provide seriously ill people with the possibility of recovering their health, coupled with technological developments at the time (Sanches et al., 2018).





Cómo citar

Lira, P. F., Pereira, A. V., Fernandes, L. A., Sousa, K. G. O. P. de, Alencar, A. P. A., & Araújo, C. S. B. (2023). Communication as an essential tool in humanized care in the intensive care unit. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de