The Influence of Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury on Knee Rotational Stability: a Systematic Review and Biomechanical Analysis


  • Heike Felipe Rangel Dias
  • Paulo Henrique Mariano Batista
  • Luís Eduardo Soares Botelho
  • Paulo Mazzo Calzavara
  • Raíssa Rodrigues Luz Resende
  • Augusto Bulegon Tsukamoto
  • Tarcila Aguiar dos Reis Martins
  • Brenda Bitencourt Cordeiro
  • André Rehbein Santos
  • Karina Dias Guaraná
  • Yasmin Priscila Portes Meira

Palabras clave:

Wounds and Injuries, Knee Medial Collateral Ligament, Biomechanical Phenomena


Introduction: LCL injuries in the knee cause instability and affect joint function. This research reviews the literature on the relationship between LCL injury and knee rotational stability, also analyzing diagnostic and treatment methods. Understanding the biomechanics of this injury contributes to clinical practice and the development of more effective prevention and rehabilitation strategies. Methodology: In this study, a systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the relationship between lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injury and knee rotational stability. Searches were performed in scientific databases to identify relevant studies, followed by the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria to select appropriate studies. Data from selected studies were analyzed to identify patterns and trends. Additionally, diagnostic and treatment methods used for LCL injuries were explored based on studies and clinical data. The obtained results were discussed in relation to their clinical relevance. This systematic approach allowed for a better understanding of the relationship between LCL injury and knee rotational stability, providing valuable information for clinical practice and contributing to the development of effective prevention and rehabilitation strategies for LCL injuries. Discussion: The study findings were presented, highlighting the importance of the LCL in knee rotational stability and its relationship with other joint structures. The mechanisms of LCL injury were discussed, including traumatic and iatrogenic injuries, as well as the complexity of the clinical presentation and diagnosis of these injuries. Additionally, treatment options for LCL injuries were explored, ranging from non-surgical approaches to surgical interventions, also considering rehabilitation and return to sports after the injury. Long-term results and potential complications associated with LCL injury were discussed, emphasizing the importance of adequate monitoring and appropriate management of these injuries. Finally, the knowledge gaps regarding LCL injuries were emphasized, and the need for future research to enhance understanding of injury mechanisms, preventive strategies, and long-term outcomes. This discussion allowed for a critical analysis of the results and their contextualization in the field of LCL injury, providing directions for future research and improvement of clinical practice. Conclusion: Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injury affects knee rotational stability. Imaging diagnosis is essential, and both non-surgical and surgical treatment options should be considered. Rehabilitation is crucial for restoring function and stability, and prevention of complications and future injuries should be prioritized. Future research should address knowledge gaps regarding LCL injury mechanisms, preventive strategies, and long-term outcomes, aiming to enhance patient management and outcomes. Advancing understanding of LCL injury will benefit patient care and functionality in individuals with this injury.





Cómo citar

Dias, H. F. R., Batista, P. H. M., Botelho, L. E. S., Calzavara, P. M., Resende, R. R. L., Tsukamoto, A. B., Martins, T. A. dos R., Cordeiro, B. B., Santos, A. R., Guaraná, K. D., & Meira, Y. P. P. (2023). The Influence of Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury on Knee Rotational Stability: a Systematic Review and Biomechanical Analysis. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de