Surgical approach in the treatment of endocrine tumors


  • Tainá Rodrigues Toqueton
  • Kleyton Matheus Honorato Muniz
  • João Victor Bezerra Massa
  • Délio Guerra Drummond Júnior
  • Artur Henrique Sampaio Lima Araujo
  • Iesser Nick Lauar Barbosa
  • Márcio Henrique de Carvalho Ribeiro
  • Alisson Phelipe Dias Braga
  • Marcus Antonio Studart da Cunha Frota
  • Igor Costa Santos

Palabras clave:

Hormones, Body, Impacting the hormonal


The surgical approach in the treatment of endocrine tumors is a topic of great relevance in medicine, since these tumors can originate in endocrine glands or tissues that produce hormones, impacting the hormonal balance of the body.





Cómo citar

Toqueton, T. R., Muniz, K. M. H., Massa, J. V. B., Júnior, D. G. D., Araujo, A. H. S. L., Barbosa, I. N. L., Ribeiro, M. H. de C., Braga, A. P. D., Frota, M. A. S. da C., & Santos, I. C. (2023). Surgical approach in the treatment of endocrine tumors. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de