Congenital infections and their repercussions on the neuropsychomotor development of the child


  • Tainá Rodrigues Toqueton
  • Felipe Silva Ribeiro
  • Gustavo Bohnenberger
  • Délio Guerra Drummmond Júnior
  • Iesser Nick Lauar Barbosa
  • Daniel Aparecido dos Santos
  • Tamires Rodrigues Toqueton
  • Igor Costa Santos
  • Marcus Antonio Studart da Cunha Frota

Palabras clave:

Congenital infections, Neuropsychomotor development, Child


Congenital infections can be caused by several infectious agents, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites or fungi, and can have serious consequences on the neuropsychomotor development of children.





Cómo citar

Toqueton, T. R., Ribeiro, F. S., Bohnenberger, G., Júnior, D. G. D., Barbosa, I. N. L., Santos, D. A. dos, Toqueton, T. R., Santos, I. C., & Frota, M. A. S. da C. (2023). Congenital infections and their repercussions on the neuropsychomotor development of the child. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de