Clinical and psychiatric aspects involving the treatment of chronic renal patients


  • Tainá Rodrigues Toqueton
  • Felipe Silva Ribeiro
  • Gustavo Bohnenberger
  • Délio Guerra Drummmond Júnior
  • Iesser Nick Lauar Barbosa
  • Daniel Aparecido dos Santos
  • Tamires Rodrigues Toqueton
  • Igor Costa Santos

Palabras clave:

Chronic Kidney Disease, Psychiatric Aspects, Mental Health


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a complex and progressive medical condition characterized by the gradual loss of renal function, significantly affecting the physical, emotional and mental health of the patient.





Cómo citar

Toqueton, T. R., Ribeiro, F. S., Bohnenberger, G., Júnior, D. G. D., Barbosa, I. N. L., Santos, D. A. dos, Toqueton, T. R., & Santos, I. C. (2023). Clinical and psychiatric aspects involving the treatment of chronic renal patients. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de