Use of technologies in the deaf learning process: libras in remote education


  • Artur Maciel de Oliveira Neto
  • Daniela de Fátima Barbosa Gonzales
  • Rosecleide Orozimbo Harada
  • Bianca Moraes Dantas Reis

Palabras clave:

Interaction, Inclusion, Deaf education, Technology


In the perception of the deaf, the new technologies include numerous possibilities and potentialities accessible visually, raising the need to introduce their educational uniqueness to the visual field, but this finds some barriers, among them is the space not knowledge of sign language by their teachers, as well as the little knowledge about the deaf community and its culture based on visual experiences.


DOI: 10.56238/homeinternationalanais-068



Cómo citar

Neto, A. M. de O., Gonzales, D. de F. B., Harada, R. O., & Reis, B. M. D. (2023). Use of technologies in the deaf learning process: libras in remote education. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de