Impact of fungi on public health – A review


  • Francisco Rodrigues
  • Sara Cegonho
  • Patricia Coelho

Palabras clave:

Fungi, Health, Human


Fungi belong to a diverse group of organisms. Most fungi are harmless and are found in soil or organic matter. However, many species manage to relate to the Human Being causing him pathologies[1,2]. Much of the population, for part of their life, has suffered from superficial fungal infections that are easily treated. However, millions of individuals fall victim to life-threatening invasive fungal infections, which are much more difficult to diagnose and treat[1,3]. Currently, the diagnosis of invasive mycoses, especially in immunocompromised patients, remains problematic due to the nonspecificity of the symptoms, and the available diagnostic methods [4,5].






Cómo citar

Rodrigues, F., Cegonho, S., & Coelho, P. (2023). Impact of fungi on public health – A review. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de