Combating child sexual abuse and exploitation: an experience report


  • Ana Beatriz dos Santos Saldanha
  • Hellen Vieira Gomes
  • Maria Erica Barbosa de Paula
  • Marcos Wendell Nascimento Matos
  • Rebeca Ximenes de Moura
  • Sara Regina Alves de Castro Morais
  • Larissa Nadally da Conceição Feitoza

Palabras clave:

Combating child sexual abuse, exploitation


The violation of sexual rights, which involves the abuse or exploitation of minors' sexuality or bodies, is called sexual violence (BRASIL, 1988). Although many associate sexual violence with the sexual act itself, it actually encompasses a much wider range of actions that can result in traumatic experiences for children and adolescents. Regardless of the form it takes, the impact of child sexual violence is devastating (BRASIL, 2000). Between 2011 and 2017, the Brazilian public health system recorded 184,524 incidents of sexual violence perpetrated against children and adolescents across the country. The epidemiological analysis of sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil, released by the federal government the previous year, presented the profile of these notifications which revealed that 70% of the assaults took place in the victim's home and 80% of the aggressors were male. In addition, 64% of the victims had some kind of relationship or friendship with the aggressor (BRASIL, 2018). The year 2020 reported more than 60,000 cases of rape in Brazil, with a worrying 73.7% of victims unable to provide consent as a result of their vulnerable state, and 86.9% of these victims being female (BRASIL, 2021).





Cómo citar

Saldanha, A. B. dos S., Gomes, H. V., de Paula, M. E. B., Matos, M. W. N., de Moura, R. X., Morais, S. R. A. de C., & Feitoza, L. N. da C. (2023). Combating child sexual abuse and exploitation: an experience report. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de