Enjoyment in Early Childhood Education in brazilian regulations


  • Maévi Anabel Nono

Palabras clave:

Enjoyment, Early Childhood Education, Regulations


In Brazil, since 1996, the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (BRASIL, 1996) defines Early Childhood Education as the first stage of Basic Education, aiming at the integral development of children up to five years of age, in their physical, psychological, intellectual and social, complementing the action of the family and the community. In 1999, National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education (DCNEIs) were established, revised by CNE/CEB Resolution No. 5/2009 (BRASIL, 2009). This Resolution characterizes day care centers and preschools as institutional spaces for the education and care of children from zero to five years old.






Cómo citar

Nono , M. A. (2023). Enjoyment in Early Childhood Education in brazilian regulations. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/634