Historical series of the number of organ, tissue and cell transplants performed in the Northeast Region from 2012 to 2021: A comparative study


  • Pedro Leno Negreiros de Oliveira
  • Marcelo Cavalcante Rodrigues
  • Suelene Gonçalves dos Santos

Palabras clave:

Organ, Transplants, Ministry of Health


In recent decades, transplants have had a profound impact on the care of end-stage patients with various types of diseases. Organ, tissue and cell transplants are medical procedures that involve replacing damaged organs, tissues or cells with healthy ones from a donor.






Cómo citar

Oliveira, P. L. N. de, Rodrigues, M. C., & Santos, S. G. dos. (2023). Historical series of the number of organ, tissue and cell transplants performed in the Northeast Region from 2012 to 2021: A comparative study. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/604