Academic production on affirmative actions for indigenous peoples in UEMS: visualization of an institutional policy
Palabras clave:
Affirmative Actions, Quotas at UEMS, Academic Production.Resumen
The peoples in Brazil, even after 520 years of the arrival of Europeans in the 15th century, remain
completely unknown to the Brazilian population. Few know the most basic data as the data
presented by the 2010 Census that pointed out 305 people located in todos the states of the
national territory, which speak 274 native languages. In 2020, 410 indigenous students were
enrolled in 13 university units of the institution, offered face-to-face or distance:
Aquidauana.Amambai, Campo Grandand, Coxim, Dourados, Ivinhema, Japorâ, Jardim,
Maracaju, Mundo Novo, Naviraí, Paranaíba and Ponta Porã (DRA, 2020). This project aimed to
conduct a survey of academic production that focused on the studies of affirmative actions for
the entry and permanence of indigenous peoples in UEMS in the years 2017 to 2020 carried out
by teachers, students and administrative technicians of the institution as well as other surveyors
with views the development of a database that becomes a database forthose who research
the subject.