Water security in the semi-arid region of Paraíba - Experience report of an extension activity


  • Andrew Diego Medeiros Macedo
  • João Pedro da Silva Santos
  • Edna Santos da Silva
  • José Carlos Oliveira Santos

Palabras clave:

Water, Environmental Education, Chemistry Teaching


The semi-arid region of Paraíba is a region that has a very long period of drought over the years, generating water scarcity that affects agricultural activity, adding to environmental reactions that reduce the soil's water collection capacity, increased leaching, promotion of the unregulated flow of water recharges, becoming a region with water unfit for consumption by living beings. Inserted in this context, the PET-Chemistry of UFCG, promoted a lecture for high school students from this region, in the city of Cuité, Paraíba. The lecture aimed to expand knowledge to the external school community as a form of extension activity, one of the aspects of the Tutorial Education Program. A questionnaire was applied to the school community to evaluate the effect of carrying out this activity. The adequate information provided to public school students on the subject was important to warn about the effects caused to society, health and the environment through water scarcity in the semi-arid region of Paraíba, and the knowledge acquired becomes a tool to deepen the students' opinion on the problem in question, in addition to awakening the critical sense so that they can act as citizens in the society in which they live.





Cómo citar

Macedo, A. D. M., Santos, J. P. da S., Silva, E. S. da, & Santos, J. C. O. (2023). Water security in the semi-arid region of Paraíba - Experience report of an extension activity. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/1132