Teachers' knowledge for the teaching of hiv/aids sex education in elementary school from 1st to 5th grade in municipal schools in the metropolitan region of Belém – Pará-Brazil


  • Júlio César da Silva Corrêa
  • Christiane Klline de Lacerda Silva
  • Adriana Estefania Mónico Bordino
  • Luciana de Fatima da Costa Moraes
  • Luciano Salazar Morais

Palabras clave:

HIV/AIDS, Knowledge, Teacher, Sex Education, Sexuality


The main question of this research is: What is the knowledge that elementary school teachers from 1st to 5th grade have in relation to sex education, but specifically the control and prevention of HIV/AIDS? To this end, it was decided to carry out an investigation of the type: Exploratory, Exploratory, Descriptive, Correlational from the perspective of the mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative data). Data collection was carried out via a questionnaire, google forms,  intended for teachers and PLWHA's and face-to-face interviews with the managers of the municipal education departments. The following authors were taken as the theoretical basis for discussion: Vainfas (1977), Daniel; Baudry (1977), Foucault (1984), Fonseca et al  (2000), Scheffer (2000),  Brazil (2004/2011), Reis; Gil (2010), Dantas et al (2015) among others and analysis of the data collected by Bardin (1977) and SPSS software. The research will provide us with data to equip elementary school teachers in the development of the pedagogical work of sex education about HIV/AIDS. It was also partially observed that teachers do not have adequate information about HIV/AIDS and human sexuality and when they need to guide a student, they come up against family, religious and cultural issues. It is concluded that there is a need to equip teachers about the prevention, control and treatment of HIV/AIDS with contents and concepts about human sexuality.





Cómo citar

Corrêa, J. C. da S., Silva, C. K. de L., Bordino, A. E. M., Moraes, L. de F. da C., & Morais, L. S. (2023). Teachers’ knowledge for the teaching of hiv/aids sex education in elementary school from 1st to 5th grade in municipal schools in the metropolitan region of Belém – Pará-Brazil. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Recuperado a partir de https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/1129