Instrumental evaluation associated with infectious risk factors in the pre- and postoperative period of neurological surgeries


  • Skhar Rubens Ribeiro Raitez
  • Paulo Henrique Mariano Batista
  • Brenda Bitencourt Cordeiro
  • Poliana de Lima Santana Rocha
  • Marcyelle Severo Fernandes
  • Lana Raissa Tavares Ferreira
  • Marina Chaves Orben
  • Elaine de Oliveira Alves
  • Edwardo Arcanjo Silva
  • Milana Padovan Milanezi
  • Priscila Londero Zavaglia
  • Ana Carolina Campos Moraes Guimarães


Neurosurgery, Infections, Neurological Instrumentation, Complications, Neurological Risk Factors, Neurological Improvement Factors, Operating Room Nursing


Surgical site infection (SSI) is the main complication related to the operated patient. They are generally considered to be nosocomial infections. Its denominations go through some factors, such as the material used, incisions, prostheses and appliances, in addition to enabling something undesirable, in this case the surgical reapproach.





How to Cite

Raitez, S. R. R., Batista, P. H. M., Cordeiro, B. B., Rocha, P. de L. S., Fernandes, M. S., Ferreira, L. R. T., Orben, M. C., Alves, E. de O., Silva, E. A., Milanezi, M. P., Zavaglia, P. L., & Guimarães, A. C. C. M. (2023). Instrumental evaluation associated with infectious risk factors in the pre- and postoperative period of neurological surgeries. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from