Orthothanasia: Medical practice in the face of natural death


  • Douglas Moro Piffer
  • Alexsandra Silva Teixeira Nakassugui
  • Lethicya Cristhina Cardoso Barbosa
  • Livia Carla Mamedes Pedrosa Barbedo
  • Lucas Levi Gonçalves Sobral


Orthothanasia, Palliative care, Solidarity


Orthothanasia is the non-investment in invasive and even futile actions and procedures that aim to prolong the suffering and death of an individual with an incurable disease at the end of life. In other words, orthothanasia provides a dignified death without suffering through palliative care, which consists of care provided to a person with an incurable disease.





How to Cite

Piffer, D. M., Nakassugui, A. S. T., Barbosa, L. C. C., Barbedo, L. C. M. P., & Sobral, L. L. G. (2023). Orthothanasia: Medical practice in the face of natural death. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/882