Incidence of pressure injury in hospitalized patients: A literature review


  • Emilaine Santos Souza Farias
  • Talita Hevilyn Ramos da Cruz Almeida


Incidence, Pressure Ulcer, Nursing


The skin is fundamental to human life because it participates in many vital organic functions. One of the most common complications that affect the integumentary system of hospitalized patients is Pressure Injury. PPL is defined as an intact or ulcerated open lesion on the skin, soft tissues, or adjacent tissues that occurs predominantly under bony prominences. This adverse event causes pain and discomfort, in addition to increasing the length of hospital stay and consequently hospital costs. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the incidence of PPL in patients hospitalized in the last 6 years, to describe the most affected anatomical region and the degree of injury that predominated. This is bibliographic research of a descriptive nature carried out in 2020 in the databases of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Virtual Health Library (VHL). We used five articles from 2013 to 2019 that met the inclusion criteria and objectives of the study. It was found that the lack of adherence to PPL prevention protocols corroborated the maintenance of high rates of PPL, evidencing that prevention actions implemented in isolation may not have the expected result in reducing the number of cases. It is inferred the need for further studies on the incidence of PPL and the use of tools such as Continuing Education in raising awareness of the importance of implementing protocols to prevent PU in health institutions.





How to Cite

Farias, E. S. S., & Almeida, T. H. R. da C. (2023). Incidence of pressure injury in hospitalized patients: A literature review. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from