Impact of hormonal changes on the mental health of pregnant women


  • Vitória de Fátima Dengucho Pires
  • Tainá Rodrigues Toqueton
  • Délio Guerra Drummond Júnior
  • Jéssica de Vasconcelos Oliveira Viégas
  • Gabriela Pitsch Caldas da Rosa
  • Vinicius Paulin Balan
  • Ana Carolina Campos Moraes Guimarães
  • Rainally Sabrina Freire de Morais
  • Maria Flávia Campos Adelino
  • Igor Costa Santos


Impact, Hormonal Changes, Mental Health, Pregnant Women


Pregnancy is a unique phase in women's lives, marked by significant physiological, emotional and hormonal changes. During this period, the body undergoes a series of hormonal changes that play a key role in fetal development and the adaptation of the maternal organism. However, these hormonal changes can also have a significant impact on the mental health of pregnant women, and can trigger or aggravate anxiety disorders.






How to Cite

Pires, V. de F. D., Toqueton, T. R., Júnior, D. G. D., Viégas, J. de V. O., Rosa, G. P. C. da, Balan, V. P., Guimarães, A. C. C. M., Morais, R. S. F. de, Adelino, M. F. C., & Santos, I. C. (2023). Impact of hormonal changes on the mental health of pregnant women. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from