The brazilian kardecist school: An educational analysis of spiritist action in Brazil
Represent, Mediation, Spiritism, ChallengesAbstract
The work in question was developed during observations of services, lectures and discussions in the halls of 10 (ten) Spiritist Centers in the city of Belo Horizonte/MG, during the master's degree. Based on the spiritist pur-pose, that is, the revitalization of the figure of Jesus of Nazareth, in a reinvigoration of the ethics of love for oth-ers, and a reasoned faith in a mature relationship between human beings and God, so, let's check the religious discourse inserted in these environments. The method of approach for this study was hypothetical-deductive and bibliographical research, through consultation of academic books and psychographed texts. What the research showed is that within these environments, there is still thinking based on a conservative bias, cultivated by a Judeo-Christian moral interpretation. From this perspective, in contemporary times, it is concluded that the Bra-zilian spiritist discourse avoids the construction of a critical mentality, both in the religious and political scenar-io, relying on a fight for social justice and the defense of human dignity, building an insufficient assistance sys-tem to transform society. society involved in this evolutionary process.