Inflammatory bowel diseases: A systematic review of Chron's disease


  • Natália Gulias Rufino Taboranski Cura
  • José Lima Assunção Júnior
  • Bianca Dela Mura Pasquarelli
  • Priscilla Estephane da Costa Carvalho
  • Rebeca Lara da Costa Carvalho Brasil
  • Vanessa dos Santos Shimisu
  • Paola Marão Felix Trinta
  • Mikael Coutinho Silva
  • Thereza Cozzolino Ferreira Raffaelli


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), Crohn's disease


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are a group of chronic diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract, with Crohn's disease being one of the most prevalent and studied within this category.





How to Cite

Cura, N. G. R. T., Júnior, J. L. A., Pasquarelli, B. D. M., Carvalho, P. E. da C., Brasil, R. L. da C. C., Shimisu, V. dos S., Trinta, P. M. F., Silva, M. C., & Raffaelli, T. C. F. (2023). Inflammatory bowel diseases: A systematic review of Chron’s disease. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from