The role of the teacher in distance education: A Qualitative Analysis of Training Management


  • Priscilla Divanil dos Santos
  • Lícia Maria Rosina
  • Letícia Fleig Dal Forno
  • Thaise Moser Teixeira


Teachers, Educational process, Report documents


Teachers, as stated by Libâneo (1994), are an integral part of the educational process. They are also of utmost importance for the formation of future generations, ensuring a globalized and educated society. This is because various reports, such as the Incheon Declaration (UNESCO, 2015), and the Global Education Report (UNESCO, 2021), highlight that professional involvement has repercussions on outcomes and consequences for education and the learner.





How to Cite

Santos, P. D. dos, Rosina, L. M., Forno, L. F. D., & Teixeira, T. M. (2023). The role of the teacher in distance education: A Qualitative Analysis of Training Management . Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from