Rare Complications in Anesthesiology: A review of severe anesthetic complications and strategies for prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment


  • Heike Felipe Rangel Dias
  • Patrícia Médici Valverde
  • Bianca Rita de Souza
  • Tainá Rodrigues Toqueton
  • Jéssica de Vasconcelos Oliveira Viégas
  • Carlos José Barbosa de Carvalho
  • Luís Eduardo Soares Botelho
  • Thiago Brilhante Pereira Labre
  • Fernanda Rodrigues Rocha
  • Julia Maria de Castro Ferreira


"anesthetic complications," , "complication prevention,", "early diagnosis," , "complication treatment,", "rare anesthetic complications."


Introduction: This paper discusses several serious anesthetic complications and strategies for their prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment, highlighting the importance of understanding common anesthetic complications to reduce anesthesia-associated risks. It also emphasizes the increased risk of complications in patients with special needs, such as cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, and Down syndrome. Additionally, it mentions factors contributing to anesthetic complications, including drug interactions, airway obstruction, and craniofacial anomalies. Objective: The aim of this study is to review rare complications in anesthesiology, with a focus on severe anesthetic complications requiring special attention. Methodology: A systematic literature review was conducted to address anesthetic complications. Relevant studies, including clinical trials and reviews, were selected to analyze prevention and treatment strategies for rare complications in anesthesiology. The results highlighted evidence-based practices to enhance patient safety during anesthesia, with an emphasis on understanding and awareness. Discussion: The discussion interprets the obtained results and provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Results: Findings suggest that anesthetic complications are a significant concern for both healthcare professionals and patients, warranting special attention and awareness. The article acknowledges the limited availability of information and clear definitions regarding rare anesthetic complications, indicating the need for further research and data collection processes to identify risk factors associated with these complications. Moreover, the discussion emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and intervention for effective management of anesthetic complications. It highlights the significance of monitoring complications and promptly addressing them to improve patient safety and reduce the incidence of rare complications. The study also suggests using risk assessment tools to identify contributing factors and tailor care accordingly. It acknowledges possible weaknesses or biases in the study, such as the lack of reliable information and clear definitions for rare complications, underscoring the need for future research to address these limitations and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. Conclusion: In conclusion, this work provides valuable insights into the severe anesthetic complications faced by patients and strategies for their prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment. It identifies gaps in existing knowledge and proposes avenues for further research, contributing to the continuous advancement of knowledge in the field of anesthesiology.





How to Cite

Dias, H. F. R., Valverde, P. M., Souza, B. R. de, Toqueton, T. R., Viégas, J. de V. O., Carvalho, C. J. B. de, Botelho, L. E. S., Labre, T. B. P., Rocha, F. R., & Ferreira, J. M. de C. (2023). Rare Complications in Anesthesiology: A review of severe anesthetic complications and strategies for prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/873