Pickardt syndrome


  • Mayana Cerqueira Martins da Silva
  • Alfredo Guerra Netto
  • Camila Cardoso Barbosa
  • Giovana de Heberson Souza
  • Gabriela Alves de Lima
  • Fernanda Durães Souto Rocha
  • Isadora Leão Amuy
  • Alessandra Andrade Lopes
  • Beatriz de Oliveira Onório
  • Bruno Martin Leal
  • Eduardo Siqueira Borges
  • Gabriel Rodrigues Santos
  • Heitor da Mata Xavier
  • Isadora Souza Mendonça
  • Geovanna Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Gabrielle Santiago Silva
  • Gabriella Ribeiro Cabral de Oliveira
  • Geovanna Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Ingryd Inácio Ferreira Mesquita
  • João Nikolai Vargas Gonçalves
  • Gabriela Coelho de Oliveira


Pickardt syndrome, Rare syndrome, Tertiary hypothyroidism


Introduction: The Pickardt-Fahlbusch syndrome, very rare, is found in the group of endocrine syndromes of interruption of the pituitary nail, resulting in tertiary hypothyroidism. The pathophysiology is not fully elucidated, suggesting alterations of chromosomal orders. Case presentation: A 13-year-old female patient, born in Gama - DF, was admitted to the emergency room of the Santa Maria Regional Hospital (HRSM) with decreased level of consciousness associated with severe hypoglycemia, showing improvement after reversal of hypoglycemia. Discussion:  There is a higher prevalence of Pickardt-Fahlbusch syndrome in males, with symptoms of severe hypothyroidism well present, requiring complementary tests: laboratory and imaging. Once other causes are ruled out and diagnosis is made, therapeutic measures should be initiated early, reducing the effects and complications of the absence of thyroid hormones, especially in the pediatric age group. Other characteristics may also be accompanied, masking the diagnosis, since alteration occurs at the level of the pituitary nail, which induces other symptoms. Conclusion: It is essential, given the various characteristics presented, to understand and study more about Pickardt's syndrome.





How to Cite

Silva, M. C. M. da, Netto, A. G., Barbosa, C. C., Souza, G. de H., Lima, G. A. de, Rocha, F. D. S., Amuy, I. L., Lopes, A. A., Onório, B. de O., Leal, B. M., Borges, E. S., Santos, G. R., Xavier, H. da M., Mendonça, I. S., Oliveira, G. R. de, Silva, G. S., Oliveira, G. R. C. de, Oliveira, G. R. de, Mesquita, I. I. F., Gonçalves, J. N. V., & Oliveira, G. C. de. (2023). Pickardt syndrome. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/737