Incidence of malignant neoplasm of the skin in Paraíba


  • Pedro Bandeira dos Santos Neto
  • Giovanna Gomes de Oliveira
  • Aguinaldo Paulo Cavalcante Filho
  • Vivian Raruna Justino dos Santos
  • Alany Fonseca Tinôco de Souza
  • Ana Rosa Gomes da Silva Bezerra
  • Daniel Pereira Dantas
  • Maria Clara Nunes Guimarães
  • Bruna Castelo Branco Silva
  • Josefa Maria Conceição Farias
  • Alefy Fonseca Tinôco de Souza
  • Mariah Fernanda Costa Trajano da Rocha


Cancer, Skin cancer, Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma


Cancer is a complex public health problem both in Brazil and around the world, affecting approximately one in five people throughout their lives. However, it is estimated that at least a third of cancer cases could be prevented. Skin cancer is categorized into melanoma and non-melanoma, the latter being the most common, but with low lethality (AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, 2020). Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are the most frequent subtypes of non-melanoma skin cancer, while melanoma, although rarer, has a significant mortality rate, with a significant increase in its incidence over time (ALBERTO J. A. WAINSTEIN, TCBC-MG., 2004; FRANCIS A. BELFORT., 2004). Light-skinned individuals who burn easily when exposed to the sun, with phototypes I and II, have a higher risk of developing the disease, which can also manifest itself in black individuals or those of higher phototypes, more rarely. Therefore, the early diagnosis of melanoma is fundamental.





How to Cite

Neto, P. B. dos S., Oliveira, G. G. de, Filho, A. P. C., Santos, V. R. J. dos, Souza, A. F. T. de, Bezerra, A. R. G. da S., Dantas, D. P., Guimarães, M. C. N., Silva, B. C. B., Farias, J. M. C., Souza, A. F. T. de, & Rocha, M. F. C. T. da. (2023). Incidence of malignant neoplasm of the skin in Paraíba. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from