The importance of prenatal care in primary health care


  • Ana Beatriz Mendes Costa
  • Arthur Pessoa Travassos Vinagre
  • Catharina Louise Araújo de Oliveira
  • Emanuel Moreira Marcolino
  • Hadassa Vilany Luz
  • Rayonnara Yasmin Silva do Nascimento
  • Washington Luis Pereira de Lima Filho
  • Layza de Souza Chaves Deininger


Prenatal, Health, Pregnancy


Prenatal care is an essential follow-up for pregnant women, in order to ensure the healthy development of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby, resulting in a greater reduction in maternal and infant mortality rates. The assistance to the pregnant woman and the fetus must always count on a  qualified, humanized and hierarchical health team, according to the needs imposed by the pregnancy.






How to Cite

Costa, A. B. M., Vinagre, A. P. T., Oliveira, C. L. A. de, Marcolino, E. M., Luz, H. V., Nascimento, R. Y. S. do, Filho, W. L. P. de L., & Deininger, L. de S. C. (2023). The importance of prenatal care in primary health care. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from