Occupational Therapy: the emergence of the profession from occupational disease


  • Pâmela Bianca dos Santos Soares
  • Lílian Kathleen Martins Filgueira
  • Vitória Leite Monteiro Fortes
  • Camila de Oliveira Ribamar
  • Sarah Raquel Almeida Lins


Occupational Therapy, Professional category, Professional area of expertise


Occupational Therapy (T.O) is a higher-level profession regulated through Decree-Law No. 938/1969 and had its council founded together with physiotherapy in 1975, named the Federal Council for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (COFFITO).  This professional category in the health area is focused on the prevention and treatment of subjects who have affective, cognitive, perceptual, and psychomotor alterations, resulting or not from disorders, traumas, or acquired diseases that affect their performance in carrying out their occupations.  It is a  profession with more than   50 years of existence, and that has extreme relevance in society, which justifies the importance of more dissemination of its objectives and focuses of action.


DOI: 10.56238/homeinternationalanais-014




How to Cite

Soares, P. B. dos S., Filgueira, L. K. M., Fortes, V. L. M., Ribamar, C. de O., & Lins, S. R. A. (2023). Occupational Therapy: the emergence of the profession from occupational disease. Caderno De ANAIS HOME. Retrieved from https://homepublishing.com.br/index.php/cadernodeanais/article/view/14